Kenneth Ng
RIMB Percussion =D
1M 2007 =D
21st April =D



1M Class Blog!
Cool Edward

RIMB(and alumni)
RIMB Percs

yu nan


  |   July 2007  |   August 2007  |   September 2007  |   October 2007  |   November 2007


Sunday, September 30, 2007

okay, today i shall break my hiatus for once.

I GOT A NEW W660i walkman phone.
yay finally got it! after like dunno how long. But the memory card's only 512mb, maybe i'll buy a 2gb one..

so anyway.
ya. i suspected something and i dont know whether its true but i hope its not cos if it is.

its gonna be big trouble

prefect elections on tue!
panic panic panic

bye@9:19 PM;


Monday, September 24, 2007

Uh-oh. Tmrw's french oral...totally screwed. Have to mugmugmug

Mr Lai continued the movie again during philo today...actually i think the show's quite nice. some parts confusing (especially their brit-ish) but other than quite meaningful actually(and sick).

OK, so this shall be my last post (i hope) so i wont get distracted and so i can study for eoys and get higherhigherhigher marks.

crap...damn nervous for the french oral tmrw, french exam wed, batch forum tmrw and putting up of posters for campaigning.
its gonna get busierbusierbusier'

bye@8:10 PM;


Friday, September 21, 2007

Haha did the speech today in front of the whole nervous at the start and stammered over one sentence. Then after that it went quite well :D and people were laughing at the places they were supposed to and they places they were not.

And the theme of our campaign was KISS.

bye@7:06 PM;


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Kester's com has this virus which sends files to ppl in his contact list in msn automatically.
usually it sends auto messages like
"How do i look in this picture" or "These are the photos we took yesterday"
but his was...

kesterte0-sch REALLY sux says:
Have you seen me Naked Yet :D

bye@8:44 PM;


OMG...campaign speech tmrw.
I'm doing the speech with sheng siong from 1L(dont ask me why i pitied him and took him in XD) so anyway, we're gonna do something on KiSS.

(Kenneth Sheng Siong, what were you thinking)
omg omg. nervous nervous nervous

bye@8:14 PM;


I hate that bloodi liar in my class. Lies through his teeth to get whatever he wants, and he gets it. Only know how to sweet talk. Nvm, we'll see how many ppl vote for him.

"Hey why you never collect the worksheets from us?"
"I'm sure, you never gave yours to me, not my fault."

bye@7:47 PM;


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Today was the last lesson for French before oral and eoys...ssscary. the lesson seemed so short, probably cos we had so much stuff to cram into our heads...

geog agricultural farms presentation tmrw, weixuan decided we're gonna impromptu or something.
"It's not graded anyway"

bye@10:03 PM;


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Should i do pair campaigning for prefects?
they say that pairs usually either both get in or both kicked out.
pair willl prob be easier to campaign and stuff, but if i get kicked out than the other guy will too...
how leh :X

bye@9:50 PM;


Friday, September 14, 2007 specs broke today 5 mins into tuition.
i was just sitting down and when i touched my specs they just fell apart. (i'm strong)
so a new pair of blue specs after tuition...i still think the old pair looks nicer though.

bye@11:08 PM;


got into campaigning round!
omg. omg. omg. can't believe i got in...
thx everyone for the support you gave me!
(and continue to support by votingvotingvoting)
thx especially to sean and jr.! for making the K sign with their fingers
and kevin! for shouting VOTE FOR KEN
and david! for encouraging me
and car! for encouraging me
and anyone else i forgot to mention!!!

bye@5:39 PM;


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

omg what crap. we wont have band until end of EOYs-school's order.
wth...that's 4 weeks to study. it's not like we're gonna start mugging so early anyway...

bye@8:56 PM;


Ok so today, mr pang gave us all new seating arrangments.
and the seating arrangements are goooooood.

I'm sitting in between yt and zhiyang, at the back :D
weixuans sitting in the row in front of us :D
haha. haha. heheheheheheh...

uh oh, science prac test tmrw...have to remember all the dunno what sodium chloride zinc carbonate whatever chem names. and all the separation techniques.

"Just remember, there is a rat in separate"-Mr. Sebastian

bye@8:40 PM;


Monday, September 10, 2007

Today, my drumsticks retired after 5 years. The part at the top of both sticks is cracked already and has this funny sound...I didn't want the thing to break completely so i decided to stop using it. I've had the drumsticks since i was many memories rush back when i just touch it. my first performance, concert@sunset, aesthetics showcase, syf07...the sticks have been with me through a lot. now i'm just gonna put it in a corner of my cardboard where i can always take it out and reminisce :)

bye@8:44 PM;


Friday, September 7, 2007

I just realised that tomorrow is gonna be the most relaxing day of my holidays - the only day with no tuition no band no school no projects nothing. And I was supposed to go out with sheryl and car tmrw, but now car can't make it so we're prob not going anymore D;

Oh well. gonna relax tmrw and enjoy whats left of the hols

bye@9:58 PM;


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Yay! went to watch bourne ultimatum with weixuan yesterday at vivo. we were supposed to do geog project but after doing for 10min we went to watch. WEIXUAN rocks!! haha he treated me to some $5++ coffee at some posh place and popcorn. the movie was ok i guess but a little bit boring...

bye@1:56 PM;


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

HAHA finally got the time to post about church camp.

(prob cos its the first time the guys really talked to the girls)

(except when we're quarreling)
okay. so anyway, rushed off from section lanning at paradiz at around 9, reached st. theresa's church around 10.

Aunty Charmaine: Kenneth, I think the guys and girls will be so happy to see you! Thanks for rushing here!

And when i go upstairs, wayne and ryan threaten to gang me in the night when i'm sleeping.
So, girls got the rooms while boys had to sleep in the attic. NOT FAIR. It was freezing at night and i fell asleep in my dri-fit shirt. Woke up in the morning with frozen feet, frozen hands. Then had breakfast after some morning exercise dancing thing.
oh that reminds me.
okay i forgot the rest of the song.
breakfast was gooooooood. had cakes and sandwiches and cookies and milo and stuff. then we went up to some bible-reading-meditating thing. (latio divina is that the name? i forgot XD)
thenn had long long lunch, followed by long long lazy naptime.
but the boys didn't sleep, we played truth or dare instead. and some shocking...stuff was revealed.

right, wayne?
right, ryan?
truth or dare is always fun to watch especially when you're not playing.
then we had some activity where we pasted a piece of paper on our backs and we went around writing testimonials on other people's some. nice ones?

k. then was mass by this father and it was weird...especially when he kept asking us questions during the homily and expecting us to respond. then everyone just stone and stare at each other.

and then dinner :D:D
i think dinner was the nicest funnest bestest meal of the day. maybe cos its the last meal we had before breaking camp. we didn't have much time for dinner though...after rushing through dinner, quickly went back up and got ready to board the buses.
then one big group of us sat down and started playing cards. we only gave out like 4 cards when the facil confiscated them...we hadn't even started! (sorry bout your cards jon)
and then they said it was kontraband.

k so we got onto the bus home...most of our class sat at the back of the bus, played lots of truth and dare. that was when the fun began.

1)wayne proposed to me.
2)henrik pole danced.
oh and henrik suddenly shouted F*CK YOU LAH to someone in the front and everyone was like "OHHHH..."
3)nana/hannah said "i love you" to henrik.
4)ryan said hi to some stranger girl in the front (tiffany her name?)

1)isabel said im her favourite boy...
cos im gay.(lucky, i won't want to steal her from john and ryan)

sadly that's the only truth i think cos no one dared to be truthed.
reached back at church with my voice gone bcos of too much shouting and cheering.

Yeaaa. Church camp's fun :)

bye@10:43 PM;


Sunday, September 2, 2007

ok. camp break already. and my voice also broke from all that cheering and shouting and shouting and shouting.

ok lets start from Fri- investiture.
reached school at 7.15 to let batchmates sign the card for the sec 4s...and all of them came at 7.35.
then warmed up, had last rehearsal before going into band room at 8++. Then it was investiture, although i thought it was just a rehearsal at first and wasn't nervous at all( is that good?) until i noticed people were taking pictures. so sec 1s played our batch piece, about 2 min long. then sec 2,3,4 played at least 2-3 pieces each, altogether 30 min. we then went into av theatre for ceremony...
Best Practical Award =D
Most Outstanding Recruit =DDD
i want to thank all the sec4 seniors for guiding us through the year and especially kin chun for teachering me and ignatius patiently!!! and the squid you gave me was cute too!!!
and yayy! jerald is the new bm!!! congrats jayyh and samuel on dbm!
and lucas on student conductor! and benjamin on secretary! and david white color on welfare head! and anyone else i forgot!

we went for section dinner after that, had to wait for jerald to settle his ADMIN STUFF for half an hour. then we reached nydc at wheelock later than everyone else. but they had to wait for us to go lanning anyway XD
so. reached paradiz at 8, lanned till 9. then i rushed off for camp =D

Hmm i tired now so i shall post about camp tmrw.
Maybe if you're lucky i'll post later =D

bye@9:29 PM;
