Kenneth Ng
RIMB Percussion =D
1M 2007 =D
21st April =D



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RIMB Percs

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  |   July 2007  |   August 2007  |   September 2007  |   October 2007  |   November 2007


Friday, August 31, 2007

investiture + camp draws closer.

just realised that tmrw will more or less be the last day of band with the sec 4s...
" we will miss you sec 4s! "
and section dinner will be the last time we see kinchun. and actually go out as a section.
aiya nvm next year still got react XD

camp tmrw also. leaving after section dinner (that doesnt include lanning) to rush to sleepover. still, i'll be missing the amazing race or whatever at east coast park D:

teacher's day celebrations today was fun. and nice. marcus lee from campus superstar sang :D at least his voice is better than the lead singer from the band which performed before him..but now marcus cut his hair and it looks like crap.
(that reminds me. stupid weixuan pon school today to go NHPS earlier so can be earlier than the rest of the boys and be the only boy with all the girls -.-)

oh. and i got into next round of prefect nomination! interview this thurs. i was dissapointed though. ______from our class got selected and hes so shit, yet bennett ex head from cat high wasn't.

oh and for those who know him theo got selected 0.0

bye@7:43 PM;


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

LOL! Brandon and Bryan Yeo in RI's newsletter (magazine?) Rinspire, featured in an article on twins in RI. Can you tell who's who? Oops..sorry for poor quality, had to use handphone camera XD. Brandon's on the left, Bryan's on the right.

Extracts from the article:

'...Brandon and Bryan also share a number of hobbies; from swimming to playing their X-Box. And surprisingly, they both do not like girls. "Yet," They add.'

'...Despite being younger, Brandon claims to be the more mature one. He attributes this to his mature circle of friends, whereas Bryan describes his own friends as being more fun-loving, reflecting his own personality.'

bye@10:47 PM;


second last days of school are fun. it's when you can celebrate that holidays are coming soon without worrying that its the last day of school and youre gonna miss going to school


bye@8:54 PM;


Yay! finally got the english animal farm thing over with today, guess it was quite alright...Quote TYM: "Kenneth, where did you get the inspiration for your choice of names?" -.-
ok shant talk about that XD tan yew meng is sick.

Drills test for band was today, matthew jerald and samuel were there. matthew made some lame joke and expected us to laugh, then we didn't. He said "wa not bad, kenneth can control his laughter quite well, from cat high."
(although it was actually bcos his joke was lame)

Investiture this saturday, react on mon. We haven't really practiced the piece yet though...
oh that reminds me. have to skip first day of camp for investiture. depresssssing.
What crap ><

bye@7:59 PM;


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Oral Comm presentation today! much more relieved, now dont have to worry about being picked ^^ Didn't get picked for english presentation today though, almost certainly doing that i think about it, Eng presentation's easier than oral comm'.

bye@5:12 PM;


Monday, August 27, 2007

Had no school today, spent the whole day mugging geog, rehearsing eng and oral comm presentations. Tomorrow's gonna be the last day of tests and assessments for the term! after that can relax and slack (more or less).

Oh yeah! no french tmrw after school, can go home earlier and play =DD
but french EOY's coming up next month D:

bye@8:58 PM;


Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hmm, i shall decide to post again, after a two week (has it been that long) break.
Cause someone special asked me to XD--------------->

Band investiture's coming up this Saturday. I would be so excited - except for the fact that i just realised it's on the same day as church camp. Sian, now i have to skip the first day of camp and the sleepover...what fun is a camp without a sleepover?

Last CCT for the term, geog on this tuesday (and oral comm and eng too), must study dontknowwhat contour lines and reliefs. But at least there's no school tmrw for RI because of staff training day...

Last tuesday, received the pm book prize at regional language centre. Most of the recipients all RGS one, only 3 from RI ><. On thursday, had french controle 3 and i think i did better than i thought i would. except. that. i think i still did quite badly..

Spent the lazy sunday today mostly slacking at home, taking my time over philo assignment. Went to J8 for dinner though, ate mac's apple pie. I suddenly keep having cravings for apple pie lately. :D yum

Okay, gtg go sleep now. Waking up early tmrw to cheonggg hw.

OK. Shall

bye@11:01 PM;


Monday, August 13, 2007

Omg...haven't posted in like a week.
Mugging for CCTs, projects, laziness ><
Today was a scary day. Science CCT, impromptu speech competition and band practical on same day.

Firstly...Science CCT! uh-oh i'm dead. Didn't finish the last question on alloys, spent like 10 minutes on the MCQ question on converting units until i remembered we could use calculator D:
If i'm lucky maybe still can get 20 and above out of 30.

And after science cct was the impromptu speech competition. They gave us two topics to choose from, IT and Culture and i picked IT. Two minutes to prepare, seemed like 30 sec ><. I repeated at least one of my points twice, but other than that it went quite smoothly =D

Lastly, Band practical. So nervous...jerald and kinchun sitting over that staring at me playing. I think i screwed up the second sight reading thing. But after that went home and played basketball with elder(older?) brother, he so pro! He scored like 8 out of 10 shots. I scored like 2 out of 10 >< tired now, whole body aching. Oral comm presentation tmrw, havent really prepared. Better go rehearse now..

bye@8:41 PM;


Sunday, August 5, 2007

got new converse shoes today! went to j8 to buy just now. half of j8 had a blackout, all the aircon and escalators not working...ntuc seiyu and best denki was closed.

Went to bennett's birthday dinner last night at hyatt mezza9...the place was so posh and we cracked some joke about angmohs then we noticed there were some american people sitting behind us. Oops...dinner was fun though. it lasted until 11+, reached home at 12...

bye@12:16 PM;


Friday, August 3, 2007

Oh no.
1H got into the interclass semis through wildcard.
there goes our hope D:

bye@8:57 PM;


about 38th place
17 minutes something
I sucked at 3.2 cross country run in bedok reservoir. Congrats bennett, 1st place with 13min! haha, hao tian had to run 4.2 km because he's 14. Sat train home from tampines mrt with bennett, joseph, justin and nat...going to bennett's birthday tomorrow, cant wait.

Got back RE results, today, wasn't too fact our group did best out of the four =D's international friendship day?

edit: oops its on this sunday, first sunday of august...hehe who told me its today?

bye@8:32 PM;


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hmm..Today got back French petit test.
8.5/15 ><
Must concentrate more in french class, haven't been paying much attention...

OH tommorrow's cross country, goal's 20 min though ill probably take longer than that.

Bennett and teun yee's birthday on 7 august tue =D
Not fair! wed is national day celebrations and thu is national day. They got so long to celebrate birthday!

Hmm and today i saw the true side of someone in our class...i never really liked him but today proves my point, i never thought he would be like that.

bye@8:32 PM;
